Filipa's career is a mixture of art and architecture. Being naturally drawn to artistic areas from a very young age and interested in so many different scientific areas growing up, Filipa ended up transporting all those passions to her career.
Our community has been up to a lot this summer, and we love seeing all the different adventures they take with their iGUANEYEs. Check out what they have been saying about iGUANEYE! We hope they inspire you just as much as they inspire us.
As an experienced iGUANEYE customer, you know this situation: people coming up to you and asking what you are wearing! Our products are creating lots of attention, aren't they?
Every time someone tries on an iGUANEYE pair, comfort and lightness are two of the most used words to describe them. Where does all this comfort come from?
Where have you been walking around lately? We are celebrating our amazing community! That's why we are now sharing all your beautiful pictures with #youriguaneyes out there.
Spring is finally here, the perfect time to enjoy nature in its full bloom! We are looking forward to the warm air outside with our feet on the grass and walking everywhere in our Iguaneye shoes.